JEWELLERY, FINE & APPLIED ART AUCTION Tuesday, 22 March 2022 - 10:00 AM start
Includes: Louis Vuitton, German enameled singing bird box, large red marker buoy light, New Zealand historical sailing photos, artefacts, large pounamu boulder, an extinct taxidermy huia, Crown Lynn pieces ex. estate Crown Lynn employee, oriental collections, 18thC Japanese wakizashi sword, Georgian and other silver some quality pieces from the estate of a keen Auckland collector. Fine Art includes works by Malcolm Harrison, Stoddart, L.W. Wilson, Kura Te Waru Rewiri, Antique works etc., watches & clocks Ph 09 5231049 or email Fabulous entries already consigned. Another strong jewellery section and so much more. As prices are strong it has never been a better time to sell ! Contact us now for a no obligation auction estimate. Ph 09 5231049 or email