ANTIQUE & ART AUCTION Tuesday, 17 October 2017 - 9:30 AM start

Starting at 9.30am we are privileged to offer The Slater Collection Part I of New Zealand historical pottery including many fine examples of rare Crown Lynn, Wharetana ware, etc., many coloured McAlpine fridge jugs, trickle glazed animals, Titian ware, etc. also included from various estates and private vendors we have fishing items, a wide array of miscellaneous, taxidermy, military, New Zealand historical, art glass, Skeaping Wedgwood animals, fine porcelain and China, Worcester, Moorcroft, etc. The Oriental section of over 100 lots includes Chinese jade, porcelain, ivory, etc. At 5pm we have the jewellery section of 120 lots which includes a spectacular diamond necklace, diamond bangles, bracelets, earrings, a good selection of precious stone rings, etc., Rolex watches, cased ships chronometer, French clocks, long case clocks, collectors silver, a good selection of Georgian, Victorian, colonial and Oriental furniture and decorator items. The art section is one of our strongest for many months including good examples of modern, contemporary and historical works by Peter McIntyre, Rudi Gopas, Steve Harris, Robin Morrison, Tapper, Payton, Raymond Ching etc. This auction is a must view.
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