ANTIQUE & ART DECEMBER 12 Tuesday, 12 December 2017 - 9:30 AM start

The final sale of the year is the perfect opportunity to pick up that hard to find and unusual Christmas gift. From various estates and private vendors, we have a wide array of boxes, kitchenalia, miniatures, walking sticks, toys, militaria, New Zealand historical and pottery, art glass, fine porcelain and china, Worcester, Moorcroft, etc. oriental section with Chinese jade, porcelain, bronzes etc. the jewellery section starting 5pm; over 100 lots, spectacular diamond & emerald necklace & bracelet, gold & precious stone bracelets, earrings, rings, N.Z. medals, estate rings, wrist watches, clocks, perfume bottle collection, collectors silver incl. Tiffany silver spirit kettle, Persian rugs, a good selection of Georgian, Victorian, colonial and oriental furniture & decorator items, a collection of colonial chimney pots and more. the Fine Art includes entries by Louise Henderson, toss Woollaston, Russell Hollings plus many more. Last chance to buy for Christmas.
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